Sunday, March 23, 2014

21st Century Skills

I am a senior at HSU working towards my BBA in management. The article,
Culture Awareness in the Workplace, not only relates to business but ALL relationships. Especially when it speaks about listening,  "Effective listening is something that most cultures have in common. Listen to your coworkers actively, displaying positive body language and affirmation during the listening process. Listening intently allows you to read between the lines, pay attention to the way your coworkers say things and ask questions if anything is unclear. They will recognize your willingness to listen and appreciate being asked to explain an unclear point."  Listening and communication aren't new. They are the basic skills required to move forward in any business venture, but there are a few skills that we do need to add to our "area of expertise". 21st Century Skills are required from early education on to ensure our children can compete on a global level in the continued growth of globalization and technology. “Economic success is increasingly based on the effective utilization of intangible assets, such as knowledge, skills, and innovative potential as the key resource for competitive advantage.”—Economic and Social Research Council, 2005
It is important to start this innovative thinking and skills set as early as PreK and continue through job training.

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